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Evolution of Voice of the Customer

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Evolution of Voice of the Customer

Customer voice is rather important for the development and continuity of businesses and companies. Companies need to understand the satisfaction levels of those who get service from them. They develop several different business strategies and voice-of-customer services to this end. This piece aims to give you information on customer voice. Voice of the Customer (VoC) has changed extremely in the past few years. This significant change reflects the advancements in technology. Also, the changes in customer desires and expectations can be seen through them. Also, these improvements reflect ever-growing customer-oriented business strategies. Call Center Studio’s cloud call center software can help you improve your customer service. Here is a very detailed and comprehensive overview of the development of VoC. By reading this article, you will be able to see these changes. Also, you will manage to have a great understanding of advancements.

Early Beginnings of VoC Before the 1980s and 1990s, and Traditional Feedback Methods

Surveys and questionnaires were the first methods. VoC was mainly analyzed with the help of paper-based surveys and questionnaires. These paper-based analyses were delivered and collected physically. In addition, they were emailed to customers to learn about customer voice and experiences. Interviews with the customers and focus groups were other mechanisms to evaluate customer voice. Companies would conduct in-person focus groups. Also, they would use interviews. In this manner, they would get a grasp of their customers’ sentiments. And gather qualitative insights. Finally, suggestion boxes were used to evaluate customer voice. Companies would place them in physical suggestion boxes. These boxes would be in stores or offices to gather customer ideas. They would give an insight into customer voice.


Voice of Customer Service in the 1980s 1990s The Emergence of Feedback Systems


Voice of Customer Service in the 1980s-1990s: The Emergence of Feedback Systems

  • Telephone Surveys: Thanks to the widespread use of telephones, companies and firms began using telephone surveys. In doing so, they started collecting customer feedback more effectively. This helped the companies hear customer voices more effectively.
  • Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Businesses started applying metrics like Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) to hear customer voices. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) also helped them make experiments on customer voice.

Developments in Voice of the Customer in the 2000s and Digitalization


  • Online Feedback Systems and Online Surveys: The internet led to the spread of online surveys and helped with customer voice. They made it easier and faster to gather feedback from customer voices. 
  • Email Feedback from the Customers: Companies and firms started using customer voice to get better. They email to solicit feedback. Sending surveys and follow-up questions directly to customers by using emails.
  • Customer Feedback Management Software: The focused software solutions emerged to help businesses collect customer voice. They analyze and act on customer feedback based on a certain system.


Emergence and Development of Social Media and Advanced Analytics in the 2010s


Emergence and Development of Social Media and Advanced Analytics in the 2010s

Social media listening started to be used. With the development of social media platforms, things started to change in terms of customer voice. On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, businesses and companies monitor social media channels. With the help of such strategies, they aim to learn customer feedback and opinions. Advanced analytics and big data were also used. The companies started applying big data and advanced analytic tools. This helped the companies and firms analyze customer voice. They analyze customer feedback. Hear about opinions coming from various sources. And identify trends and insights more precisely. Finally, multi-channel feedback analysis methods were applied. Companies and businesses applied multi-channel feedback approaches. These kinds of approaches included several different types of sources. They include websites, mobile apps, and social media. And in-person or in-person interactions.

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Feedback Mechanisms to Voice of the Customer Feedback Systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies were developed. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies started playing significant roles. VoC programs also used them to learn about customer voice. These systems help companies analyze. And interpret large data and detect patterns. Also, make assumptions about customer behavior. Real-time feedback emerged. The requests for immediate sentiments changed things. The desire to learn customer voice led to the rise of real-time feedback mechanisms. This allows the companies and firms to capture customer feedback immediately. In addition, this enabled them to respond to customer feedback instantaneously. Voice and chatbots were also employed. Voice assistants and chatbots emerged to learn about customer voice. New channels for gathering feedback emerged. More interactive ways for customers to voice their opinions started to be more valuable. Integration of customer experience (CX) platforms into the voice of the customer systems was also used. VoC programs got integrated with broader customer experience (CX) platforms. This allowed such platforms to provide an even more holistic view. They started to analyze the customer journey and customer voice. Such platforms turned the companies and the firms to become more coordinated. They also became effective in responding to feedback.

Key Trends in VoC and Future Directions in this Field

  • Personalization: Companies are now trying to leverage customers. The aim is to deliver a more personalized experience. It is becoming increasingly significant as time goes by.
  • Proactive Engagement with Customers: Companies are now switching to proactive engagement from reactive feedback collection mechanisms. Such a system allows companies and firms to spot customer needs. Also, through such a system, they become rather competent. They address the problems before issues pop up through the customer voice.
  • Improved Privacy and Security Systems: Data privacy regulations get tightened up. This ensured the secure and ethical handling of customer feedback data. This way, customer feedback data became a top priority. 
  • Omnichannel Experience: Omnichannel enables companies to provide an impeccable and continuous experience. They gather data across customer feedback systems and hear customer voices. These series are provided both online and offline.


Over the years, like any technology or system, Voice of Customer evolved. This change in VoC technologies is a reflection. They reflect the shift towards more sophisticated and technology-driven methods of customer needs. There is a parallel between the developments in technology and customer feedback-gathering mechanisms. From the developments in VoC mechanisms, it becomes even more obvious. Such that VoC mechanisms are in continuous development. And they will take more advanced forms in the future. Call Center Studio’s cloud call center software can help you with this.