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Collect from various communication environments to a single platform with Call Center Studio!

Collecting all communication environments on a single platform provides decreasing hardware dependency and managing them simultaneously at the same platform.

Try our free demo of inbound call center solutions.

Collect all communication tools on a single platform!

You can collect voice traffic from several communication environments all on a single platform with Call Center Studio! Eliminate location and hardware device dependency. Offer services on a single platform by benefiting from the advantages of cloud technology.

User Experience

Couriers, field sales and field operation teams follow their daily workflows and perform their transactions with the hand terminals, smart phones, and several other devices.

With Call Center Studio, users can easily make calls on these applications and operation managers can manage all call records of these calls.

You can increase your customer satisfaction with our technology and also contribute to your customer experience.

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Cost Advantage

There is an investment cost for your employees, business partners or personnel from different units to have conversations with each other or with your customers during the day.

When you purchase these services, you will be subjected to license fees and installation costs at first stage. In addition, the service received may reveal different costs such as technical personnel costs, maintenance, and update costs over time.

With Call Center Studio, you can eliminate hardware dependency, you are able to communicate over any device you want, and manage your calls on one single platform. You can carry your communication infrastructure to Call Center Studio, pay-as-you-go and save on costs.

Access Any Device
You Want

Today, when customers buy a service or product, they want to be able to reach after-sales service units or related business units whenever they want. Traditional call centers have to undertake license and hardware costs and meet technical workloads to enable their customers to reach them from wherever they want and to get calls and demands from customers.

While this often increases operational costs, it also creates hard-to-manage workflows. With innovative solutions, Call Center Studio enables you to be accessible to customers anytime and anywhere they want. Without any fixed investment, you can offer a 24/7 accessible experience to your customers with Call Center Studio and increase your customer satisfaction.

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Application Integration

Most of the time, field teams make customer calls on their personal phones or company phones. This might result in situations that violate GDPR. Call Center Studio is here by your side with advanced integration infrastructure to prevent any violations!

You can integrate Call Center Studio with CRM or call applications and make a call with a single click. For more secure calls and to prevent illegal operations, you can mask the call both for your employees and customers.