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How Call Center Studio
Supports The Insurance Industry

The insurance market is becoming more competitive than ever. Insurance companies can give themselves an edge by providing 24/7 service.

A call center software allows your company to answer questions about insurance claims at any time. Use many channels of communication including live chat to help your customers, fast.

You'll have peace of mind knowing that your customers are getting the VIP treatment.

All Locations


Include operations in any country on the platform. Thousands of agents can work on a single channel at the same time. Provide services at any desired location and make outsourcing easy.

Better Manage Your Customer Portfolio

Integrate with your CRM for better customer service. Agents can see relevant information about each caller.

Ready To See How Call Center Studio
Can Elevate Your Contact Center?

Try our free demo of inbound call center solutions.

Improve Your Customer Experience

Your website forms work together with your call center. 

When customers leave their information, they get connected to an agent for an automatic call back.

CRM Integration

Click on a contact’s phone number and the system will call that
number directly. Save time and help your agents become more efficient.


Multi-Channel Communication

Help your customers via many channels, all on one screen. 

Offer your clients seamless support, no matter what channel they are using.

detailed analysis

Detailed Reporting and Audio Analysis

The reporting center allows you to access your data and keep an eye on metrics in real time. Listen in and improve the quality of your calls with these smart insights.

Here are the features
CallCenterStudio has to offer

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

What do your customers REALLY think of you? Find out with easy and efficient customer surveys that ask important questions.


Let your customers perform simple tasks without an agent. This frees up the queue and reduces wait times.

Business Intelligence

See the big picture. Gain valuable insights about your business with comprehensive reports.

IVR Dialer

Set up satisfaction surveys, informative announcements and more for your customers. With IVR, they work 24/7 without any need for an agent.

Custom Integration

Integrate your call center with your CRM, your web-based help desk tools and more. Let your agents work faster and focus more on their conversations.

FCT Cloud

With Fixed-Cellular-Terminal technology, you can use many phone numbers when calling your customers. This powerful software increases your pickup rates, without any bulky machines.

Opportunity Tracking

Agents can use the built-in sales lead tracking feature to tag potential opportunities. Follow-up with hot leads or sort into categories.

Internet of Things

Connect with third-party apps and platforms to provide a one-contact support experience. This includes CRM, payment gateways, social media platforms and more.