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Facebook Messenger

Increase the customer trust and experience by Facebook Messenger for Business

Facebook Messenger for Businesses ensures customer demands to meet on a single platform if it is integrated with Call Center Studio. Our Facebook Integration also provides advanced chat menus and past chat reports.

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Facebook Messenger for Businesses

With increasing social media use, customers frequently demand to access operations via written channels. Facebook is one of the most commonly preferred social media platforms. With Call Center Studio and Facebook integration, you can answer messages to your business page on a single platform. All you need to do to use Facebook Integration is to share the page access authorization from Facebook Developer with Call Center Studio! With this integration, you can offer services to your customers via Facebook and increase customer trust and experience.

Advanced Chat Welcoming Menus

With Call Center Studio Facebook Integration, you can create flows for incoming chats just like the voice response system (IVR) you have created for calls.

With chat flow, you can route the incoming chats from your customers to your customer representative based on their competencies and increase your operation efficiency.

You can enable your customers to reach the services they want faster and offer services outside of office hours with AI support and integrations.

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Customized Customer and Brand Experience

With Call Center Studio's Facebook Integration, you can offer easy-to-access call center services to your customers and increase satisfaction.

You can send automatic welcoming and closing messages to customers who have reached you and at the same time, you can send these messages with the customer’s registered name and answer customer demands 24/7 without a customer representative.

You can allow your customer to reach you more easily and whenever they need to.

Multiple Chat

With Call Center Studio’s Facebook Messenger integration, you can communicate with multiple customers simultaneously. Your call center operation customer representative can offer voice service to one customer simultaneously.

But customer representatives in chat channels can talk to multiple customers simultaneously and handle their operations.

Thus, you can get back to customer demands faster and increase your customer experience.

Blended Call Center
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Chat record details with your customers are stored on Call Center Studio. You can instantly view the written texts and details of the customer representative and access past chat reports.

You can see the active chats with a live monitoring screen, create past chat performance reports and assess these chats.

You can monitor your customer representative’s chat performance and provide feedback with Call Center Studio Quality Assessment Forms.

Chat on Different Platforms

You can answer messages from all written channels on a single screen with Facebook, Web Chat and WhatsApp Business Integrations.

With chat flows, you can route the chats based on customer representative competencies and channels and report all channels on their own.

You can view statistics about written channels at the end of the reporting and measure efficiency.
