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What is ChatGPT? How Can You Use It?

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What is ChatGPT? How Can You Use It?

You’ve probably heard about ChatGPT lately, or maybe even seen some of the hilarious dialogues made with it. 

As ChatGPT rises in popularity, so do questions about its potential and capabilities. What are the limitations of ChatGPT? What are the chances of it replacing search engines in the near future? Let’s explore the top inquiries surrounding this exciting innovation.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is the go-to AI chatbot for finding answers and solutions. It is powered by GPT-3.5, a cutting-edge language model trained on an immense amount of text data. ChatGPT offers human-like responses that cover a wide range of topics. 

When we asked it to describe itself, we got this answer: 

ChatGPT is a conversational language model developed by OpenAI. It was trained on a diverse range of internet text and fine-tuned to generate human-like text based on a prompt. – ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a revolutionary neural network that employs state-of-the-art technology and data sets to generate natural conversations. Thanks to its 175 billion parameters, it can quickly and accurately mimic human speech patterns faster than ever before. 


Who made ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is OpenAI’s latest breakthrough, an AI chatbot. On November 30, 2022, the world was introduced to this tech marvel.

OpenAI is a non-profit pioneering research laboratory devoted to the advancement of AI for humanity’s benefit. Established in 2015 by Elon Musk, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba and Sam Altman, with its mission statement firmly committed to AI development. 

How to use ChatGPT?

Firstly, visit ChatGPT’s website. Log in to ChatGPT or quickly Sign up with either a Google or Microsoft account. After confirming the 6-digit one-time password sent via text message, you’re in. Enter your name, then tap ‘New Chat’ in the top left corner. You will now be able to chat by asking questions and providing prompts.

Is ChatGPT free to use?

ChatGPT is currently available for free. 

The “professional” version of ChatGPT has not yet been officially announced, but some ChatGPT users have reported that the price is $42. While some users are able to access this faster, paid version, it is not generally available and is still in the testing phase.

What is ChatGPT

How does ChatGPT work?

In short, it extracts the answer to the question you asked from a big data set. The way it works, however, makes it capable of much more. By leveraging objective functions which predict what words should come next in a given string, ChatGPT offers creators highly intelligent yet nuanced text generation.

ChatGPT leverages Reinforced Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to reduce its misalignment issues. This technique harnesses human feedback to ensure the accuracy, relevance, and fairness of output from Large Language Models like GPT-3. 

As a result of being trained with RLHF, ChatGPT is capable of accepting errors and rejecting inappropriate requests. 

How can you create the perfect prompts in ChatGPT?

With AI-driven tools such as ChatGPT, how you phrase your input is crucial. The tool must be able to decipher and analyze what it’s being asked in order for an accurate response.

Creating effective prompts for ChatGPT requires precision and clarity. Short, easy-to-understand sentences are preferred over long ones with multiple sub-points. 

When asking a question, it is important to follow these steps: 

  • Give context that can assist the tool in correctly interpreting what is being asked, 
  • Provide detailed information and keep an eye on spelling and grammar,
  • Avoid jargon or slang when formulating your prompt.

What is ChatGPT How Can You Use It 2

What can be done with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has the potential for use by businesses, developers, and everyday users alike. It could do most of the heavy lifting on information writing, content creation, customer service chatbots, research, legal documents, and much more. 

It can offer a multitude of services including:

  • Writing emails and articles,
  • Solving math equations 
  • Helping you debug code. 

It’s even capable of creating poems. 

What is the difference between ChatGPT and chatbot?

ChatGPT and chatbots both leverage sophisticated technologies for conversational engagement, yet they differ in how they generate responses. 

  • Unlike chatbots, ChatGPT is powered by natural language processing (NLP) rather than a rule-based system. This means it can interpret human conversation in more intuitive and creative ways. 
  • While conventional bot conversations are usually one-way and scripted, with ChatGPT it feels as if you’re interacting with another person.
  • ChatGPT uses AI techniques to understand natural language interaction and its algorithms are capable of learning from conversations as they progress. 
  • Chatbots, by comparison, cannot recognize or respond contextually. Instead, they rely solely on predetermined rules or scripts. 
  • Instead of simply providing pre-programmed responses, ChatGPT absorbs your response and its algorithms and then generates appropriate answers according to the discussion.

ChatGPT also stands out for its ability to create witty and humorous responses, driven by its knowledge base of millions of web pages and books.

What is the difference between ChatGPT and a search engine?

Your queries are answered by search engines by retrieving relevant web pages or documents. On the other hand, ChatGPT uses NLP and machine learning algorithms to understand questions and reply appropriately.

ChatGPT produces unique, targeted answers tailored to the user’s question, unlike a search engine, thus providing more useful and highly personalized information. 

Additionally, ChatGPT allows you to ask follow-up questions without having to start your inquiry from scratch like you need to do with a search engine. This makes it faster and easier for users to get exactly what they’re looking for.

What are the limitations of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence conversation system designed to make chatting easier. But it’s important to keep in mind that it is far from perfect and still has some limitations. 

  • Incorrect answers: Despite advances in language modeling, ChatGPT’s still-developing neural network may occasionally lead to incorrect responses. 
  • Scope of today: ChatGPT is pre-trained with text data which contains information up to 2021. Having a time-limited knowledge base means it cannot provide real-time information (including events after 2021).
  • Complex questions: Niche or complex questions that may require the consideration of too many factors also fall outside the scope of ChatGPT. 
  • Training data: ChatGPT, like many AI models, is susceptible to the limitations of training data and potential bias issues. The model’s output can be adversely affected if minority data groups are not adequately represented in its training set. 
  • Personal data: With any AI system, there’s always a risk of users unknowingly providing personal data that could be used for malicious purposes.
  • Capacity: ChatGPT may not be available due to congestion. In the near future, it is not certain that this situation will be corrected.

While in some ways this advanced robotic intelligence is still stuck in its infancy, ChatGPT offers an exciting window into the future of AI communication.

ChatGPT is proving to be a powerful tool for streamlining professional workflows. With more and more users experimenting with its capabilities, it’s an exciting time in the development of this helpful technology. While it remains in the testing phase, this promising tool pledges an efficient way of accelerating production times. 

We look forward to seeing how ChatGPT evolves over time.