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Innovative Strategies for Secure Communication via Number Masking

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Innovative Strategies for Secure Communication via Number Masking

Call-masking technology allows individuals and businesses to hide their caller IDs. This technology swaps the actual number with a temporary one. The swap doesn’t interfere with the connection. 

The purpose of number masking is to provide privacy for all parties involved.

Contact centers benefit from the privacy provisions of number masking tools. These tools are available in cloud call center software like Call Center Studio. They safeguard customers’ data, preventing storage or display on call center systems. This builds trust. Similarly, agents can shield their numbers from being shared with customers. This maintains professionalism. 

Here, we’ll review the benefits related to strategies for secure communication via number masking

Keep reading to learn these and more.

How Does Number Masking Work?

Number masking is like a hidden switchboard for your calls and texts. Here is how it works:

  1. A call center agent initiates a call through a third-party number masking service.
  2. The service acts like an intermediary, using a proxy to intercept your call.
  3. The service assigns a virtual phone number to the recipient’s caller ID. This number can be generic or local (with the recipient’s location). The caller can also use a vanity number they choose for branding purposes.
  4. The server routes the call to the actual recipient’s number.
  5. The conversation carries on without the disclosure of the actual caller ID.

The technologies behind number masking encompass cloud-based platforms, virtual numbers, and voice-over IP (VoIP).

Now, here is the kicker:

The recipient cannot call you back, making it a one-way street. This technology provides privacy and control over your phone number during connections.

The two main types of number masking are outbound and dynamic masking.

Outbound masking is configuring a contact center’s systems to display a consistent number. It uses a local number for outbound calls. This allows your recipients to recognize your brand. For example, a bank may use a local code.

Dynamic masking assigns a unique masked number for every outgoing call. This reinforces anonymity and prevents call recipient identification. Dynamic masking is ideal when a customer service agent communicates a sensitive financial issue. No data, the caller’s or the recipient’s, is exposed.

Why Do Contact Centers Use Number Masking?

The foremost reason contact centers use number masking is to safeguard client data. While the digital age offers many advantages, there are also certain risks. Piracy and data breaches are two of the most common.

Almost half (44%) of US data breaches last year exposed customer Personally Identifiable Information.

According to these data, customer PII was at stake 1.5 times more frequently than employee and intellectual property PII.

This example highlights that attackers specifically target customer information. They steal identities, send out a lot of spam, or extort people. Hence, contact centers must put policies in place to protect client information. Number masking happens to be one effective strategy.

Here are the other reasons why call centers use number masking:

To Combat Caller ID Spoofing

Caller ID spoofing uses fake caller IDs to trick recipients into answering calls. 

For example, a scammer uses a bank’s caller ID to steal financial information. Number masking prevents this by displaying a predetermined number. This makes it harder for spoofers to deceive callers.

Reduces Fraud

Call-masking limits unauthorized parties from accessing customer details. This significantly reduces fraud instances and data breaches.

Reinforces Compliance

Call masking empowers compliance in regions that uphold strict data privacy laws. Contact centers’ call masking ensures they adhere to these regulations. They protect both customer and agent information.

How Do Call Centers Build Trust Through Data Security?

A contact center survives on trust. Clients who don’t trust your call center avoid answering calls or participating in surveys. To facilitate the building of trust with customers through data security, number masking:

Minimizes the Data Footprint

Call masking reduces the amount of data your call center stores. This minimizes the risk of data breaches and limits unauthorized personnel access.

Boosts Call Center Transparency

Masking your customers’ numbers builds brand transparency. It also reinforces trust because clients know their information is secure. You can explicitly state that your company uses number masking in its privacy policy. Or you can inform the recipient during the call.

Compliance Best Practices for Number Masking Technology

Everyone likes to feel safe whenever they interact with a brand. Here is where compliance best practices for number masking technology come in handy. The following are the strategies to ensure compliance:

Customer Data Privacy Regulations

Data privacy regulations are like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Another one is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulatory bodies give customers power over their personal information. They do so by demanding businesses use it responsibly.

Some of the rules these regulators set are that businesses must:

  • Disclose their use of number masking. They should also state the purpose to secure communication channels for contact centers.
  • Offer customers number masking opt-out options if they prefer calls with their original numbers.
  • Keep clear records of masked numbers and their corresponding authentic contacts. This timed storage is for internal references and audits.

Limited Data Retention

Another compliance best practice for number masking technology is limiting data retention. Number masking reduces data retention. Contact centers should disclose how long they can store masked call data. After this set period, they should securely clear out all that information. This clearance should be ethical — no leaking or selling.

Emerging Trends in Number Masking

The future of number masking trends brims with exciting possibilities. The ones we need to watch out for are:

  • AI-powered threat detection can deter data breaches even before they occur.
  • Two-factor authentication adds a second line of protection. 
  • Industry-specific applications are customized for specific industries.

Secure Communication via Number Masking

Number masking presents a compelling solution for safeguarding communication channels for call centers. 

It keeps contact centers and customer data secure, helping build better client relationships. It also helps combat caller ID spoofing, reduces fraud, and reinforces compliance. 

Call Center Studio’s cloud call center software offers a number masking tool. This tool helps you secure all business communications.