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How Does Cloud Contact Center Software Work?

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Call Center Studio

Remote ready, scalable and super flexible call center software

How Does Cloud Contact Center Software Work?

What makes cloud call center software important? Today, one of the most important success metrics of a brand is its customer satisfaction rateregardless of its industry, scale, or business model. 

And as an HBR survey reveals that 57% of customers prefer call centers as their go-to engagement channel with brands, many companies have the same questions in mind:

“How to choose the best call center software?”, “which of the call center software vendors is best-fit for our operations?”

But here’s the thing. To make an informed decision, you need to figure out what kind of software you need, which features are crucial for your brand, what your customers expect, what your team needs, and so on… 

So, to save you from the burden of tackling endless Google searches to come up with an answer, we compiled just the perfect amount of information you need to pick the best suiting software for your call center operations. In other words, your secret weapon to delivering your customers the best caller experience! 

What is cloud call center software?

We can hear you say, “What’s the difference between a cloud and a traditional call center?”, “Are there distinct cloud call center benefits”? Well, cloud call center software, aka web-based call center software, is simply a solution that is way more:

  • Cost-effective,
  • Flexible,
  • Timesaving, and
  • Responsive

Compared to traditional (on-premises) solutions, which require bulky infrastructures, constant physical updates, and a hell of a budget. A cloud call center solution provider, on the other hand, offers your business ease of continuity.

How does cloud call center work?

Who needs complex and boring technical information now, am I right? Simply put, a cloud-based call center is a call center solution that takes place in the cloud, hosted and supported by a third-party vendor.

Cloud call out - call center management software

So, as you get to experience a more dynamic call center management software, you get to level up your inbound and outbound operations with tons of features and advantages:


Black Friday, Christmas, A June wedding at the Plaza… All require good planning. Plan out your operation volume and scale up and down in no time, anytime and gain the flexibility you need to better serve your customers.

Call Center Studio offers infinite scalabilityyou can upsize your operations 10 times your original scale and downsize whenever you wish! The best part is, you only get charged for the amount of days your agents were active—no monthly or annual subscription required!

Hire talent

On-premises solutions also require local employment. With a cloud-based solution, you get to hire talent from all over the world. Plus, the unfortunate pandemic has led many companies to cultivate remote working with cloud call center solutions, which you too can easily embrace with a cloud solution.

Data, data, data!

By now, everybody knows the importance of data management. And what better place is there for storing and retrieving customer data than the cloud? Enjoy the ease of data security while ensuring the best data management with CRM integrations.

Keep up

Every day a new development looms on the horizon. Like, have you heard of TikTok Resumes? Keep up with the trends and ever-changing customer demands. Be the first to integrate and roll out the newest channels and practices.

Technology to the finest

Did you know that 60% of call center agents say their company doesn’t give them the right tools to address CX challenges? With a proper cloud call center, you’ll empower your team with tools to gain efficiency while offering the best customer service.

Why do you need call center software?

Let’s step back a notch. If you’re still thinking, “Why is call center software important to companies?” then we have some statistics to help you out.

74% of customers state they prefer customer service by phone (Microsoft, 2017)

58% of customers say that customer service is a particularly key factor impacting their brand choice (Microsoft, 2018)

90% of customers believe that organizations should collect customer feedback (Microsoft, 2018)

90% of customers say they expect an immediate response when they have a service question (HubSpot)

73% of organizations believe that good customer service should be a quality metric (CCW Digital, 2019)

These and many other aspects are the reason why 61% of consumers say that they’re planning on moving their contact center to the cloud (Dimension Data, 2017)

What are the benefits of call center software?

There are tons of call center software benefits that will help you create the best customer interactions:

  • Supreme customer experience
  • Budget-friendly
  • Insight
  • Call management 
  • Efficiency
  • Omnichannel

Supreme customer experience

We can never stress enough the importance of CX. With the best-fit CCaaS (call center as a service), you can leverage intelligent routing and connect customers with the best-skilled agents, empower your agents with proper solutions, and ultimately offer a better customer journey at all levels.


Experts say that cloud-based call center solutions are 27% more cost-efficient while they suffer from 35% less downtime compared to traditional on-premises counterparts. So, you get to make the most of your operations with no glitches or disruptions to slow you down.


Feedback, reporting, and so much more. Gaining insight is crucial for every operation. Call center software enables you to capture data and generate reports on key performance metrics. Plus, you can easily conduct customer satisfaction surveys and collect customer feedback while optimizing your teams’ performance.

Call management

If you are getting calls, handling them in the best way possible should be one of your top priorities. Especially today, where customers hate waiting, cultivating tools that offer optimum call queue management and better flows will work wonders for your overall customer satisfaction. 


Deploying auto-dialers will save your agents’ and customers’ time while helping your call center gain maximum efficiency. You can utilize AI to create better flows and implement best IVR practices to save your agents’ time for value-added processes. 

Did you know that our Smart IVR can help cut down agent call time from 5 minutes to 4 minutes? Discover more about how Smart IVR can improve your agents’ efficiency!


Today, there are many touchpoints that a customer can prefer to interact with your brand. Just think of the last time you contacted a brand. So, adding chat, Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other engagement channels to your operations will increase your outreach while improving customer satisfaction.

How can you choose the best cloud-based call center software?

Do you know the key elements to keep an eye out for when choosing a CCaaS?

  • Integration
  • Customer support
  • Know-how
  • Customizable

As with every product and solution, there are lots, and we mean lots, of call center solutions out there. 

But, how to tell which one of them is the best call center software for YOU? After all, the requirements for a call center software for small businesses vary from the requirements for a call center for a larger scale business. Whether you favor outbound or inbound operations matters greatly too. 


The perfect solution should offer open API and seamless integration with your existing flows, CRMs, and applications. In other words, should fit your business like a glove.

Customer support

Actions speak louder than words. If a brand offers a solution that will help you serve a better customer journey, they too should offer YOU the best CX with dedicated after-sales support, continuous consultancy, and many more. 

Call Center Studio outruns competitors across review platforms with the best ratings for aftersales support!


Every industry has industry-specific requirements. A solution provider with references from many industries and brands is sure to offer you the best know-how and best practices.


Do you need something different or something new? Does your line of customers have unique requirements? Then make sure to partner with a solution provider that will offer customized solutions and flows for your cloud call center management.

To Wrap Up

At Call Center Studio, we gathered years of experience being the first—and best—cloud-based call center solution provider. We gather unique insights and best practices from various industries and empower our customers with them. Thus, they get to offer their customers ground-breaking customer journeys.

If you too would like to improve your operations, empower your agents, optimize your customer journey and become a leading example in CX with one of the best cloud call center software, book a demo today!