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Contact Center Voice and Chat Traffic During Covid-19

Call Center Studio

Call Center Studio

Remote ready, scalable and super flexible call center software

Contact center call traffic data

Call Center Studio analyzed 80million contact center voice and chat traffic from more than 500 companies

As in many sectors during the pandemic, call center agents have continued to provide uninterrupted service by working from home with a devotion to delivering a seamless customer experience. 

Contact center Voice and Chat Traffic Data

In 2019, the global cloud-based contact center market was valued at USD 13.67 billion and is expected to reach USD 44.86 billion by 2025. Between 2020 – 2025 the industry is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 23.11%. 

Cloud-based call centers are slowly substituting the on-premise call centers. As of 2008, the adoption rate of cloud-based contact centers was 2.2%. In 2017, 62% of organizations had moved to a cloud-hosted call center software solution.

A report by Call Center Studio highlights a change in contact center voice and chat traffic pre-COVID 19 and after the virus was declared a pandemic by the WHO.

The total number of contact center call traffic increased by 2.6%

The report takes into consideration the average data of 35 million voice and chat traffic per month from contact centers in more than 500 companies on Call Center Studio between January and April 2020.

The minute-based call traffic of companies increased by 23.4% compared to January. 60% of companies reported a decrease in the number of calls, while 11% temporarily stopped their services.

Although 60% of companies had lower traffic, there has been an increase in the total number of contact center call traffic – about 2.6% in April when compared to January. This could be explained by the significant increase in traffic on 29% of operations.

In addition to voice traffic, the number of companies that switched to omnichannel communication technology by adding text and voice channels to their contact centers increased by 157% in April.

The e-Commerce sector records the highest growth 

Call traffic to call centers by industry

According to our analysis, the fastest growing market has been the e-commerce industry. The online-order market has shown a remarkable 422% growth in April in comparison to January, securing its place on the top of our list. 

The public sector followed the e-commerce industry with a growth of 96.7%, which was followed, as expected, by the cargo/logistics market with a 94.1% growth.

With a remarkable growth of 85.7%, the home furniture industry took its well-deserved place.

The service industry has experienced a growth of 36.95 with increased numbers in repair and maintenance requests of home appliances, boilers, etc.