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Voice Biometrics and AI for Secure Customer Authentication in Contact Centers

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Voice Biometrics and AI for Secure Customer Authentication in Contact Centers

According to insurance information institutes, the number of complaints about cybercrime is rapidly increasing. Their findings suggest that customers’ lax security measures are the major reasons for being duped. Oftentimes, the use of traditional passwords and security questions to secure digital assets is frequently insecure. Even most people fall victim to this act because they forget, misplace, or unknowingly disclose their credentials.


Sometimes, aside from customers’ inadequate security protection, fraudsters also breach security in other ways. One of the most common forms of this act is a breach of contact centers’ systems. Their illegal actions with most service centers are becoming increasingly vulnerable and uncalled for. Maybe because contact centers handle voluminous data, they are often marked as the main target. So, what’s the way out of this security problem?


Relax and cool your mind, pal! Call Center Studio is here for you. With their advanced biometric voice recognition software, the security of your customers’ online assets is safe. It is a reliable system that uses voice biometric authentication to secure a large amount of information. Hence, let’s take a look at this sophisticated system, its capacity, and its usage with AI.


What Is Voice Biometrics for Call Centers?

Voice biometrics is an identification system that uses a person’s inherent vocal features to identify them. It is also known as an AI-supported technology that provides a safe way to protect customers’ information. It’s a strong, safe, and convenient security method that is sometimes called voice authentication. Besides being used as a source of identification, this program is also an important security asset.


Biometric voice recognition, unlike other security methods, is often difficult for fraudsters to hack or forge. Its high standard of identification has prompted many security-conscious businesses to implement it in their service. These biometric voice recognition software works by simply recording customers’ voices while on call. During this communication process, the client’s vocal behavioral attributes are often split and stored in multiple frequencies.


After the voice authentication program has collected the voice inherent attributes, it will then create a voiceprint. On some occasions, this voiceprint can either be a specific phrase (text-dependent) or passive voice biometrics (text-independent).


How Is AI Used in Biometrics?

You will agree with me that the introduction of artificial intelligence has resulted in significant changes in every sector. The marketing and technical industries, specifically, have seen rapid improvements as a result of using AI for identification. It has become an important element used in several biometric methods, such as fingerprint, iris, and face recognition.


Another area where AI also plays a great role is in the behavior biometric field. In this scenario, DL and KM are often used to create human behavioral patterns. The artificial intelligence monitors the person’s rate of keystrokes (keystroke dynamic) and even their gait (gait recognition). Apart from that, it also utilizes advanced neural networks to detect speech variations, pitch, and speed. In addition to AI biometric usage, certain emotional features can be created by this advanced technology.


Is Voice Biometrics Secure


Is Voice Biometrics Secure?

When compared to other authentication methods like PINs and fingerprints, voice recognition biometrics have an advantage. It’s an advanced method that provides better authentication and security for both administrators and end users. Numerous industries, including mobile banking, contact centers, healthcare, and voice-over-IP calls, make extensive use of voice biometrics. Although it’s a program with certain limitations and vulnerabilities, it possesses some unique advantages, as follows:


Benefits of Voice Biometric Authentication

To fully understand why voice recognition biometrics is a secure application, we must first consider some of its benefits. These verbal authentication advantages are: 

  • Efficient service: When we are talking about the most effective biometric methods, voice authentication is the best. It can be operated in remote settings without any physical contact.
  • Strong security: Voice biometrics is known to be a secure system that usually gives hackers a tough time.
  • Convenient usage: In most cases, this mode of authentication is usually stress-free as all that’s needed is the user’s voice.
  • Less expensive: Apart from the system and software package, vocal recognition is usually less costly than others. 
  • Improve productive rate: Due to its fast, accurate, and easy usage, voice biometrics usually increase business production.


Voice Recognition Biometrics Limitations

As we all know, whatever has an advantage will inevitably have its own disadvantages. So, after discussing some of the benefits of voice biometrics, let’s take a brief look at its drawbacks. Some of the common challenges and vulnerabilities associated with biometric voice recognition are as follows:

  • Noisy background: Voice authentication is always very sensitive to voice. So, if an audio input is collected in a noisy area, it may produce a false positive or negative result.
  • Susceptible to voice replication breaches: One of the common drawbacks of this type of biometric is the duplication of voice samples. Although voice biometrics are difficult to replicate, methods such as deep fake voice technology can accurately simulate someone’s voice.
  • Change in vocal patterns: When an individual has an underlying medical problem (like laryngitis) that affects their voice, a mismatch in voiceprints may occur. At times, the system may not perform up to expectation if an individual is having a voice change over time.


How Is Biometrics Used for Authenticating and Authorizing a Person?

Generally speaking, biometrics is a scientific way of comparing (authenticating) or verifying (authorizing) an individual. The former—biometric authentication—is a process that involves the comparison of stored biometric data with live data. This stored data, sometimes called biometric indicators, are files that the system uses to approve or disapprove a user’s match.


On most occasions, many usually misinterpret this authentication process with the authorization aspect. In the case of biometric authorization, also called biometric verification, it is an identity validation process. It is known as the first step carried out before using biometric markers. Although it’s almost the same as authorization when carried out, it usually requires identification documents and biological traits. 


Apart from voice biometrics, there are other unique biometric authentication methods. For example, fingerprint biometrics, retina scans, and signature biometrics are common systems often used to validate and compare identification. You might be wondering how. Permit me to inform you that this is something you do almost on a daily basis. By just unlocking your devices with your finger, face capture, signature, or body gesture, you’re authenticating your identity. 


Take a Step Further with Voice Biometric Authentication


Take a Step Further with Voice Biometric Authentication

Biometric voice recognition is an ideal authentication solution that is revolutionizing many businesses. It offers a quick and safe way to confirm customers’ identities while still maintaining the company’s engagement policies. The implementation of AI into this security system has also taken it to the next level. Although it may have some drawbacks, its benefits supersede those of traditional security. 


You can even take a safer step by getting your voice biometric application from cloud call center software. Their sophisticated authentication system is one that provides a seamless verification and security service. Aside from protecting data privacy and reducing fraudulent activities, this biometric voice recognition software also improves productivity rate drastically. Therefore, if you want to improve your customer authentication service, you can always take a step further today by contacting Call Center Studio.